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江西成考网> 成考试题题库列表页> In the 1600’s, if a man wanted to buy or sell shares of stock in England, he had to do it through 


卷面总分:150分     试卷年份:2025    是否有答案:    作答时间: 150分钟   

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In the 1600’s, if a man wanted to buy or sell shares of stock in England, he had to do it through 

  • A、the government

  • B、himself

  • C、a broker

  • D、the stock exchange

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更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

The writer suggests that when talking to others, the speaker should .

  • A、know that listeners will show him that they understand his words

  • B、express himself clearly even when he sees signs of understanding

  • C、notice listener’s signs of understanding

  • D、look directly into his listener’s eyes

Which of the statements is true?

  • A、The stockholder can sell his stock to anywhere at any time.

  • B、There were no stock exchange in England in the 1700’s.

  • C、The price of stock is not stable.

  • D、The stockbrokers do the transaction without charging for the stockholders.

That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but_____ the police.()

  • A、called in

  • B、calling in

  • C、call in

  • D、to call in

